
Showing posts from September, 2023

Physics Car Project

In physics class today, we tested the first of our four design/build projects (car, catapult, bridge, and boat).  These projects give the students a break from pencil-and-paper calculations and allow them to apply physics concepts in a fun and informal way.  The objective of this project was to build a self-propelled car.  No electric, chemical, or rigid pressured containers could be used.  Students used rubber bands, mousetraps, balloons, and even tape measures to provide the energy to drive their cars.  The car was graded on a variety of factors, including distance travelled.  21 feet gained the maximum possible number of points, but most cars went much further (this year, the furthest went 72 feet).  Here are links to some videos of the cars in action.

Change Is Good?

  Today was picture day at Immanuel - the photographers set up in the library and got everyone done right away in the morning. In the process of moving the tables back, some students had the idea to set them up differently, just to mix things up. Reactions from the rest of the students has been mixed - comments we've gotten so far include, "That's ... different," "I like it . . . I think," "We'll see," and "I don't like change." ~Your friendly librarian

PE 9-10

  In our 9th and 10th grade High School PE classes, we have a two year rotation of courses of study during the 8 quarters that the students have to take PE. Over the years, the courses have been tweaked a little depending on equipment and facilities, but one course that hasn't changed is what we are teaching now during the Odd Year Fall quarter...TENNIS.  This seems to be a favorite among the students. I'm not sure how long we will have the tennis courts or where they will be after the new fieldhouse gets built, and the softball field gets moved, but right now they are where they have always been, below the hill behind the Commons.  Every two years Prof. Joe Lau goes down and cleans out the weeds from the cracks (There are many!) and nets to get them ready. This year Prof. Mark Kranz repainted the lines on the two courts.  This was something that was badly needed.  Here are pictures of my 9th and 10th grade PE classes.  Check out all of those smiling "faces...

"Leaving It Better"

Quite a number of years ago without any prompting from the faculty or staff, a group of students headed up by one in particular, decided to organize a group of students to give back to Immanuel before they even left. They asked themselves how they could leave the campus better than it was when they arrived. As a result, the Immanuel family has benefitted in a number of ways over the years. With their unselfish efforts along with donations from supportive parents and friends, this dedicated group has accomplished some amazing things. Although the membership turns over every couple of years, the forward thinking and hard work continues. If you'd like to see some of the results of their efforts, hop over the their Facebook page . It's encouraging to know that our future generation will include young men and woman who understand that they are "to look out for not only [their] own interests, but also for the interests of others."
It's been a fun season for the cross-country team so far! Out of our 15 runners, 7 are new this year, so it's been a lot of getting used to the daily workouts, figuring out pacing, and working on our running form. Even though 8 of our runners are from "down south," we all struggled with the heat early on. We even had an indoor practice one day, which is the first time I've done that since I've been coaching. Least favorite workout: hill charges on the University hill! We ran 2 miles down to the UW-EC for warm-up, then did 5-6 charges up and down the hill. The hill itself is brutal - extremely steep and 1/7 of a mile long. But it's all part of the shared misery that bonds our team--AND it pays off when we face hilly courses like Fall Creek! Favorite workouts: Saturday morning runs. These are generally our long distance runs - we're up to 6 miles this week, running to Lowes Creek County Park and back. Maybe the thing everyone likes about these practices ...

Extended Immanuel Family

This last Friday the Activities Committee ran the Newcomers' Party. Over 60 students were present to take part in Sock Smash, Freshman Gladiator, Campuswide Capture the Flag, Bomb the Kids, and a movie which was held outside. What prompted the title was the way parents and others stepped up on short notice to provide 8 gallons of cider, soda, and several dozen cookies as snacks for the students. This type of loving response has been going on for years. When people hear of a need at Immanuel, they step up and fill that need. For several years one couple hand-made dozens of creative, delicious snacks for all the parties and served them, often in costume appropriate to the party. The assistance to our efforts here on campus is not limited to snacks. Recently money donated to purchase a new motorized movie screen, not the first time folks have donated to help purchase equipment. Several years back, new video equipment was purchased with donated funds which are currently being used to f...

The Volleyball Program

The Lancer volleyball program is carrying three teams this season. Thirty-eight girls showed up for tryouts. Sixteen of the 19 freshmen girls are playing. In addition to many new players, there are also four new coaches on staff. Prof Mark Kranz and Mrs. Sherry Schierenbeck are coaching the 14-member JV team that has a record number of freshmen on it. In addition to a scrimmage at Mondovi, the JV team has played quads at Memorial in Eau Claire and at Whitehall. With so many new faces, they are still working out how best to use their personnel. The new C-Team coaches this season are Mrs. Jill Tiefel and Miss Erin Franson. Jill was a C-Team coach in the late 90s and has previously coached with Erin in the softball program. This 11-person team has participated in the Mondovi scrimmage and the Whitehall quad. Both those squads are looking forward to the first conference matchup against Whitehall this coming Thursday at Immanuel. The 13-member Varsity squad has a large number of returning p...

Flag Football

Great turnout for flag football this afternoon for our preseason practice/scrimmage.  Teams will be selected and posted late tonight here . Fans, bring your lawn chair or blanket out to Bollinger Field on Stein Blvd next Friday at 3:15 pm for the first game! See you on the field! Prof. Gullerud

JV Volleyball

Volleyball is simple if you merely think of it as "bump, set, spike."   However, there is much more going on than meets the eye.   When you add the word "rotation", things suddenly get more complicated.  Much of volleyball involves building a team that makes use of individuals with specialized skills integrated with teammates with different skills.  When they work together, it's a thing of beauty.    Help has come from Joe Lau and Megan Johnston.  I ask them questions almost daily about the nuances of the game.  Sherry Schierenbeck has agreed to help as my assistant, and Isabelle Roehl has joined in recently to add her expertise.   The girls themselves have been fantastic to work with. I enjoy them immensely. Some of them are real characters with outrageous senses of humor.   All of them work hard without complaint.  They show good energy from beginning to end (as long as they get an occasional water break)....

Long Weekend

 Because Labor Day weekend occurs shortly after the start of school each year, many students do not head home for the long weekend. Because of that, we try to plan things to do for those remaining on campus. If you are an alumnus, you may remember games and picnics with Prof. Ron Roehl at Mt. Simon or the Rod & Gun Club.  This year, plans are in the works to show a series of movies in the gym which now sports a new sound system thanks to Prof. Gullerud and his brother Aaron, who came over from Arizona. The students will also be able to view the movie on a new 16'x10' motorized movie screen donated by an alumnus and facilitated by another alumnus who got  us half price for the $6000+ screen. There are a number of movie  suggestions for the weekend such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Cars, Tangled, Rio, and Hunger Games , among others. The Activities Committee is going to choose a series this afternoon.  The group may also put together the 9-Square-in-the-Air as...