JV Volleyball

Volleyball is simple if you merely think of it as "bump, set, spike."  However, there is much more going on than meets the eye.  When you add the word "rotation", things suddenly get more complicated.  Much of volleyball involves building a team that makes use of individuals with specialized skills integrated with teammates with different skills.  When they work together, it's a thing of beauty.   
Help has come from Joe Lau and Megan Johnston.  I ask them questions almost daily about the nuances of the game.  Sherry Schierenbeck has agreed to help as my assistant, and Isabelle Roehl has joined in recently to add her expertise.  

The girls themselves have been fantastic to work with. I enjoy them immensely. Some of them are real characters with outrageous senses of humor.   All of them work hard without complaint.  They show good energy from beginning to end (as long as they get an occasional water break). They quickly improve in areas we set as an emphasis. We have a lot of improving to do, but because of their work ethic, I am optimistic that we'll keep growing together as a team.

The only down side so far is that we are a MASH unit. Three girls are out with ankle or back injuries.  It's part of the game, but the 3-day weekend comes at a good time.  We pray they all heal completely -- and soon!

Coach Kranz 


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