Extended Immanuel Family

This last Friday the Activities Committee ran the Newcomers' Party. Over 60 students were present to take part in Sock Smash, Freshman Gladiator, Campuswide Capture the Flag, Bomb the Kids, and a movie which was held outside.

What prompted the title was the way parents and others stepped up on short notice to provide 8 gallons of cider, soda, and several dozen cookies as snacks for the students. This type of loving response has been going on for years. When people hear of a need at Immanuel, they step up and fill that need. For several years one couple hand-made dozens of creative, delicious snacks for all the parties and served them, often in costume appropriate to the party.

The assistance to our efforts here on campus is not limited to snacks. Recently money donated to purchase a new motorized movie screen, not the first time folks have donated to help purchase equipment. Several years back, new video equipment was purchased with donated funds which are currently being used to facilitate live streaming of athletic events.

Many have donated time to projects on campus such as building our athletic garage, baseball dugouts, picnic shelter, ball field fencing, and more. Many alumnae find opportunities to serve on campus. There is no way to list all the ways our extended Immanuel family has helped the present/past student body and staff, but below you can see some of those efforts.

  • full and part-time teachers
  • dorm parents
  • maintenance workers
  • coaches
  • office staffers
  • trip chaperones
  • Board of Regents members
Feel free to share other areas in which our extended family has helped us grow and improve.


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