PE 9-10

 In our 9th and 10th grade High School PE classes, we have a two year rotation of courses of study during the 8 quarters that the students have to take PE. Over the years, the courses have been tweaked a little depending on equipment and facilities, but one course that hasn't changed is what we are teaching now during the Odd Year Fall quarter...TENNIS.  This seems to be a favorite among the students. I'm not sure how long we will have the tennis courts or where they will be after the new fieldhouse gets built, and the softball field gets moved, but right now they are where they have always been, below the hill behind the Commons.  Every two years Prof. Joe Lau goes down and cleans out the weeds from the cracks (There are many!) and nets to get them ready. This year Prof. Mark Kranz repainted the lines on the two courts.  This was something that was badly needed.  Here are pictures of my 9th and 10th grade PE classes.  Check out all of those smiling "faces".~~Mrs. J


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