Preparing For Advent!

Singling out one chapel from the dozens we are blessed to hear at Immanuel daily might suggest the ones not chosen are somehow lacking. Nothing could be further from the truth! Daily we are enriched by the words of our faithful speakers as they share the Word of God with us.

Today's chapel from Retired Pastor Walt Schaller was especially timely and could serve as an excellent way to prepare our hearts during Advent for the Christmas celebration. In this address, Pastor Schaller provides a number of specific ways we can personally prepare for Christmas. He suggests that each of us . . .

  • Use Wednesday and the weekends services to prepare with fellow Christians.
  • Set aside five minutes a day, four days a week—Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—for personal "heart work".
What part of God's Word will you use for your personal Advent devotions? How about using . . .
  • your hymnals with their readings for Advent.
  • Sunday's bulletin.
  • The Lutheran Spokesman
  • [Daily Rest].
  • the Old Testament prophecies.
  • the appearances of the angels to Mary, Joseph, and Zechariah.
  • an Advent hymn and study the Bible reference from which it was taken.
  • appropriate Psalms.
  • a focus on the promises, birth, and ministry of John the Baptizer, the forerunner of Jesus.
  • a roommate or friend to grow in Grace together.
Make a plan and stick to it; heartwork is hard work! "Leave Christmas for Christmas!"


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