WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Festival

 Last Saturday, over 900 music students from western Wisconsin came to the UWEC to be heard by specialized judges who gave ratings and verbal and written feedback.  All of the students from Immanuel performed in the Haas Fine Arts Center with the rest of the instrumentalists.  Individuals performed in classrooms and groups played in the large choir and band rooms.  All four events from from ILC (and one from Messiah School) received excellent and very good ratings.

Congratulations to Emma Larson and Natalie Gurgel on their flute solos, The ILC Flute Choir--Laura Schaller, Cheyenne Wales, Natalie Gurgel, Kenzie Koenig, Leah Thompson, Emma Larson and Katy Rosendahl, and David Kelly-saxophone solo.


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