Senior Class Trip 2024

The senior class trip was a success yesterday! The Lord blessed us with amazing weather, safe travels and a lot of fun fellowship. 

We spent a couple hours at Sky Zone in the morning, then ate lunch downtown St. Paul at an Italian restaurant called Cossetta. We spent the afternoon at the beach at Homestead Parklands County Park near Hudson and grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for supper. Finally we drove to downtown Hudson for ice cream at Knoke's, then took a walk along the riverfront as the sun set.

Many thanks to Christian & Kea Goodman, Morgan Lone, and April Sydow for chaperoning, driving, and for bringing food & games for the trip!

Also, thank you, seniors, for letting your light shine everywhere you went. I really appreciated how you conducted yourself in a positive, helpful, trustworthy, and patient way throughout the day! 

Here is a link to pictures from the day. 

In Christ,
Prof. Gullerud


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