Immanuel Band Concert in the Park

Shared by a thrilled attendee.

"I think we found a new tradition. Yesterday band directors Kranz and Gullerud took the band and played in the park. It was an awesome day! The sky was blue with an occasional white cloud, the sun was shining, the temperature was in the low 70's, and the band was sizzling. Now I am a caveman when it comes to music, but I can tell you that the band sounded great! Evan and Audrey were highlighted on a song a piece. Evan soloed with trumpet in the middle of a tune, and Audrey, on drums, had a workout on the last song. Both did an amazing job. I am pretty sure that my wife and I would have danced to a number of those songs. Great job to all of you! And before I forget, the violins and viola before the band, it sounded really good, so thanks Gwyneth, Grant, and Anna and Director Samantha Kelly. I have always been jelly of musicians. The ability to play an entertaining tune for others to appreciate is a wonderful gift."


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