ILHS Banquet Weekend

Well, the evening many students look forward to all year arrived this past Saturday and was another huge success - Banquet evening! Nearly all students attended the event this year, arriving outside Ingram Hall at 4:30 for the customary picture hour. No doubt if you are on Facebook you've seen pictures shared of all the young ladies in beautiful dresses and handsome young men in their suits.

The event was held at The Condensery in Osseo this year, and the scrumptious meal was catered by KP Catering. Senior Awards were distributed, Trenton Wirth, Julia Mayhew, and Dr. Dan each gave speeches, and we dispersed to head back to campus after singing the Alma Mater.

When they arrived in the Commons the students waited patiently in line to have their portrait taken as they entered the gym, which had been transformed into a lively pirate-themed game room; the After Banquet Party theme this year being A Night to Treasure. More food was available, and they were invited to play games in order to win tickets which could be exchanged for amazing gift baskets and prizes. Thank you to everyone who donated - the gifts were extraordinary this year, and the students really were excited about them!

This link has photos and videos of some of the excitement. Look for the video of the faculty being kidnapped by pirates and the ensuing sea shanty flash mob!!

A big thank you goes out to the planners of the party. Months worth of work goes into planning the transformation of the gym and creating all the decor and games- all for a few hours of enchantment for the students. I think everyone agrees it's worth it, but we recognize the effort expended and definitely give a huge shout out to those who made it happen!!

Jennifer Schaller, Administrative Assistant


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