Movie Nights!

The students have been enjoying a regular schedule of movie nights during these cold winter weekends. Normally the movies are shown Saturday nights after church. The students head to the gym to enjoy a movie on the new 16' x 10' motorized movie screen donated by CLC member Dave Aymond and obtained by Immanuel alumnus Rhiannon Roehl at a deep discount. The sound comes from the upgraded sound system installed by brothers Joel and Aaron Gullerud. The students are treated to popcorn from the Canteen provided by Nathan Lau and his family and funded by the Activities Committee. The movies have included Spiderman, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Transformers, and Super Mario to name a few. This weekend plans are to show the new Indiana Jones movie. Public displays of these movies are possible because the Activities Committee purchases a movie license from CCLI. The students seem to appreciate the chance to hang out with other students to watch movies rather than squirrel away in a small dorm room. Thanks to all those who have made this activity possible for our students.


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