Christmas Season Activities

Campus is ALWAYS a busy place but these last few weeks before the Christmas break are especially so.

  • It begins with Finals Week during which all classes wrap up in a variety of ways such as cumulative final tests, semester projects, essays, etc. and special Fun Bells throughout the week.
  • Beside studying, the students do some major cleaning of their lockers and dorm rooms.
  • The Piano/Organ Recital was held last Sunday during which students demonstrated their improvement on the ivories over the semester.
  • North and South Hall each has its own dorm Christmas Party.
  • The Activities Committee will host the annual Christmas Party Thursday night. Beside games and food, the evening concludes with the traditional program of Christmas Readings by a male representative of each class interspersed with Christmas songs and hymns. The service ends with a Candle Lighting ceremony including the entire student body done during the singing of Silent Night and the Alma Mater. That service will begin this Thursday, December 14, at approximately 9:00pm in the Gym.
  • The choirs ramp up their practice schedules, now daily in preparation for the Christmas Concert at Messiah this Friday, December 15 beginning at 7:30pm.

    Of course all of these activities result from our focus on the real Reason for the Season, our Savior Jesus Christ who was born, lived, died, rose, and ascended to heaven where He is preparing a place for all His children. There would be no reason for the Immanuel Family to be gathered here in Eau Claire if not for our desire to provide a Christ-centered learning environment, not free from sin, but one that realizes repentance and forgiveness because of that Babe born in Bethlehem. Thanks be to God!


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