Beauty and the Beast

The LORD has blessed the students of our Immanuel family with many talents. The athletic, academic, and musical gifts are certainly clear to an audience as we watch our Lancers on the court, field, and cross country course. We see it in the scores the students get back on their ACTs and SATs. The Christmas and Spring choir and band concerts, piano recitals, and music festival are also beautiful showcases of the talents the Lord has given to His dear children at Immanuel. 

Another program that God has blessed us with is the theater program. At the end of September, thirty four very talented individuals auditioned for a role in Beauty and the Beast. Since then, they have been working diligently to prepare the show. The talented actors and actresses are not the only blessing God has given the theater program, however. He has also blessed us with Laila Fleisher and Katie Manthe, who have been designing and putting together beautiful costumes. He has given us people to design and paint the backdrop for the show. He has given us a lights and sound crew. Most of all, He has blessed us with the gift of friendship and the chance to watch each other grow. 

It is a beautiful thing to see each student fall into their role and improve with every practice. I have been so blessed to be a part of this production, and invite each of you to join us to see Beauty and the Beast, on November 10th and 11th in the ILHS gymnasium. 

Director: Trinity Mayhew



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