Early Bonding

 Although 3/4th of the student body have known each other for a couple of years, there are close to 40 new students on campus and finding ways to get  everyone comfortable with each other can be a challenge. Obviously over time that happens naturally, but this year, the heat wave had a silver lining. As mentioned in a previous post, during the extremely hot evenings last week, the residents of each dorm found a cooler place to spend the evening with the girls in the AC library and the boys in the Commons lounge. Courtney Agenten, the girls dorm parent, noted that the girls really bonded, being in the same room. I can only imagine the same was true with the boys. So, as usual, the Lord finds ways to make all things work out for our good.

One other bonding experience occurred as it does each year when Leave It Better springs into action. Students get together to work on projects which, well, leave it better on campus. Not all students can make every project but they show up when they can and pitch in. The group is building a bike shelter just east of North Hall, the boys' dorm. The other project is rebuilding the porch in the back of Prof. Steve Sippert's house at 513 Ingram. Saturday was a big day on both projects. Work continued on Sunday and there was a short project today, Monday. To see some pictures of their two current projects, head over to the Facebook page for Leave It Better and continue to follow them through the year.


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