Keep Your Eyes on the Road!

Once each semester, we try to schedule a lyceum (assembly) for the students. For 1 or 2 periods, regular classes are put on hold and the student body meets in the gym for a presentation. Our first lyceum of the school year took place last week. WI State Trooper Knutson spoke about safe driving. His topics included distracted driving, phone use while driving, seatbelt use, what to do if you are involved in an accident, etc. He shared many photos and videos to drive home his points. He engaged the students by tossing them candy as they answered his questions. Trooper Knutson's presentation was very relevant for these new drivers, but also served as a good reminder for those more experienced drivers. The presentation was recorded and is available on the ILC YouTube channel (ilcvideos). The direct link is Lyceum on 10-24-24 . The volume may need to be quite high to hear the audio well.